Thugs need love too

There a point in a woman's life where she will want or come across a bad boy, What is a bad boy? A bad boy is one whom engages in deviant and obscene acts within the general vicinity of public consciousness and awareness "AKA" a guy who has a "I don't give a F**K" mentality. Females always feel they can change a man from his hard exterior self to the "perfect gentleman" and the truth is we can't. A man won't change unless he wants to change. 

Women are nurturing, emotional and loving creature,  that's where our motherly instincts come into play so when we meet a guy rough around the edges we naturally see potential in him that he may not see in himself. We feel if we love and truly care for them that everything will change. If we show him that love and kindness he has been missing that void in his heart with go away. 

Thugs need love too...
A woman's role is to better the bad boy, and being with someone they know they aren't "technically" suppose to be with. Women see themselves as stepping stone so that the bad boy knows how to love and be loved by a woman the right way. (Motherly instinct again)

Women need thugs too, some more than others, we need to meet that emotionally inadequate man to know what we actually want in a man, to know what we can and can not tolerate. To feel like the key in the relationship that holds everything in place. However, some of us make one BIG mistake. We hold on to a dream of the bad boy being perfect when fact he can not. He is a bad boy not a bad man, you have to know even with all the love you have given this "bad boy" you as a woman need a man. If you don't see growth (change) then do yourself a favor and walk away. You have done your job of loving and giving this man the best positive image of a good woman that you can possibly give, it's okay don't feel like you wasted your time. I'm not saying a woman can't love and be loved by a bad boy, where you find where your heart is happy is a beautiful thing and no one can change that.

The message I'm trying to get across is not to change a man, but let your love for him, want him to be a better man.

Mr. Right will come.

 Find me on Twitter @missalldaabove or Instagram @sixfootamazon 


  1. Wise words. Did you write this from a perspective of a woman who has gone through this or seen your females gone through these situations with bad boys?

    1. I write it in the perspective of what I saw my females/friends go through and also I too have had my fair share of bad boys and wanted to talk about my experience as well.


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