We live in an age where sex has become so casual and so impersonal, Guys aren't asking what our favorite color is or what's our long-term goals are but what's our favorite sex position (Excuse Me!?!?) When did this become the norm?  C'mon I get so mad (mad right now) when a guy feels he has the audacity to ask such a question. Are you my boyfriend/husband? I don't even know your last name and already you are jumping to the sex questions. The only thing you are telling me is first you are only talking to me because you want to have sex and secondly you don't see me as a person, because if you did, you would want to know the real me, my dislikes, likes, goals, and all the WONDERFUL things that make me, Me.

FELLAS: Most, if not all women don't want to be asked sex related question, and if we do! WE WILL BE THE ONES BRINGING IT UP! When you initiate conversation try and get to know the woman, ask her questions to see where her mind is at. For all you know you are so worried about f**king this girl that you might be missing out on getting to know a really great woman and possibly spending the rest of your life with her, if it gets that serious.

GIVE IT SOME TIME, DON'T RUSH! If you must know certain things about a female's sexuality before dating her, you will also know when it's the right time to ask, and asking those kinds of question 1-3 weeks of knowing her won't be it!

Stop asking all those late night questions so early in the game, when a female starts seeing all those kinds of questions popping up in the conversation. She will only see you as..
A) a pig
B) a dirty pig
C) a man who just wants to hit it and quit it

and believe me, you don't want that because women talk, and so do our girlfriends.

LADIES: if the guy you are talking to starts asking you sex related questions, remember you have the ultimate power (It's the truth) You don't have to answer him after all this isn't a job interview there's no gain and no loss. Just remember whatever you decide to do will affect your relationship with that person. If you answer his questions he may/might/will see you as something you know you are not and if you don't answer the pre-sex questions there's a chance he may/might/will not want to continue talking to you (GOOD! he wasn't the one anyways) but there are guys that do respect when a woman doesn't answer those kinds of questions even though he asked because it show that we have self-respect and aren't going to let intimate and personal information be released to just anybody, they must work for it!

It's all about what you are comfortable with.

BE SMART: Why waste your time on a guy you know you aren't going to be serious with and allow him to have such vital information about you.

And believe me, you don't want that because men talk, and so do their guys.

Definitely have in the back of your head if you do allow him to know certain things about your sex life, he will try if not the next time you guys meet another time to see how far he can go with you sexually especially since you told him all your likes and dislikes when it comes to sex.

BOTH: Ladies and gentlemen pre-sex doesn't seem like it's going away so just prepare yourself...
fellas give it some time before you start with the "hey baby what do you have on" and ladies at the end of the day, it all depends on what you are comfortable doing and saying.

 Find me on Twitter @missalldaabove or Instagram @sixfootamazon 
