Dear Nigerians,

My fellow Northern Nigerians live in fear of attacks from Boko Haram as their Southern brothers and sisters pop bottles in the club. When unfortunate situations happen its not about government
intervention or even about peace; it's about unity. 

We as people need to do more than post on Instagram and Twitter and complain when CNN isn't covering "our" news as much as they should. It still doesn't change things. Do you want to know why I believe France got so much coverage compared to The Boko Haram massacre? Money, Race, but yet Unity. France was in a state of mourning, thousands met in public squares to honor and mourn their victims. France was together and united on this issue. I know a lot would argue that race was a major factor but with today's post I don't want to discuss that concept, I want to remove the idea of RACE from this post. 

The world is messed up, the media can be just as messed up too. But what's even more wrong is that when it comes to humanity; no one seems to care unless it has something directly to do with them. I too am guilty of this, but as I open my mind I can't help but speak on things that are not right.
(Photo: Thibault Camus, AP)

If Nigeria wants a better tomorrow. They first need to realize that there's no separation. If Western media doesn't seem to care and half of Lagos is out partying: girls wearing "mini-skirts" and guys buying ridiculous amounts of alcohol in the club, has anything really changed? How can anyone in the world truly sympathize with us; one, help us; two and spread the news; three. When our actions of mourning such a great National tragedy spoke the greatest volume.

Unity should not have ended with Bring Back Our Girl, it should have started it. Pray for Nigeria.


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