Summer Where Art Thou???

*sad face*

It's official.. Summer is over! School is just around the corner and when I look back at the time spent this summer; it was not as spectacular or as exciting as I hoped for. I wish I would have had more time, travelled to a tropical destination, went to events, or even had a summer fling but unfortunately it was spent laying on the couch, dying of heat, sleeping, and babysitting to make extra cash.

I know, I only have myself to blame but damn...

We all hope to have that epic summer, some do and some don't. I was one of the dont's. Hopefully your summer was not as pathetic as mine, believe me I really do!

How was your summer of 2014? Was it pathetic like mine or the Best SUMMER EVER!?!?!? I want to know (COMMENT BOX), tell me what you did, places you visited, or for my sad summer mates what you wanted to do but did not.

Happy Autumn guys!


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