A Letter from an Unreliable Friend

The first step to admitting you have a problem is by first admitting that you have a problem, now
I'm not going to sit here and write a list of all my problems, mainly because there's not enough space on this computer screen to list the things messed up with me, but I want to bring to light an issue I have that has really been affecting people around me, it's not right and I want to fix it!


What is a flopper? You ask, well....

flop -
to change suddenly, as
from one side or party to another.

A flopper is someone that majority of the time cancels plans, that person that sends you a text message an hour before it's time to leave, saying they can't make it, and no matter the reason (cough or the excuse) it's never good enough and quite frustrating.

Yes, I am that friend. (Listen) I don't purposely flop on people; 85% of my flopping, I had intentions of actually going out, but something happens and I feel only other floppers can relate to this feeling. The mind wants to stay in bed, the body becomes weary, the idea of going out seems like a mission in a video game and you are on the hardest level. (Crazy right?.. Okay I'm may be exaggerating some minor details) Ultimately, overtaken by feelings of laziness, etc.. you give in to cancelling.

I'm not condoning flopping, I want to apologize to my friends and on behalf of floppers around the world. Sorry. I look back at it all; the times I'd cancel, the excuses, the disappointments, it only adds up to one thing. I'm an unreliable friend. (that's deep right there) and I want to change that. When sought out in times of need, parties, the good times and bad, I wasn't around. Forgetting that one of the most important duties as a friend: is being there.

Now I'm not saying give up all your time if a friend wants to hang out or needs you. All I'm saying to my fellow floppers out there is for your "Yes, I'm coming", or "Yes I will.." to actually be your word. Let's try to make a Yes mean a Yes! (okay, that was kinda corny) If that feeling I mentioned earlier wants to creep inside, you tell it, "Listen tonight I'm going to enjoy myself, I made plans and those plans are going to be met!"

Ah, I feel better..

If you have a flopper as a friend, send them this post. Sharing is caring.

I hope I was helpful, and thanks for allowing me to vent. Hope you have a wonderful day! :)
