Why Do You bleach??

I know my black is beautiful and so is yours, it honestly hurts me inside when I see my beautiful African sisters (and brothers)bleaching. If only they could see the beauty God, I and the rest of the world sees that they might not see in themselves that would cause them to feel the need to bleach.

I know this a touchy issue for some, but I could no longer be silent about it. Bleaching. What is bleaching? Bleaching of the skin is using chemical substances to lighten or even out one’s skin complexion. Are you with me so far? Great! First let me just say I didn't write this article to judge or condemn those that bleach. Everyone has their reasons why they do, what they do.  I RESPECT THAT!

My concern is for those that bleach without any education or information on the matter. You believe “Light is Right” or “People will pay more attention to you if you have fair skin” or “You feel you will look more attractive with lighter skin” but don’t know what effects it will have or what you are doing to your skin/body.  That’s a problem!
Let me ask you a question, have you ever heard the phrase “Black don’t crack”? (YOUR ANSWER) Well it’s because we as blacks our skin renews itself more faster than any other race, our skin can quickly produces new skin cells, this is called regeneration. Regeneration allows our skin to stay soft, smooth, and young longer. By bleaching what you are doing is striping the melanin which is meant to protect the skin from harmful sun (Ultraviolent) rays and other things.

Chemicals such as Hydroquinone and Mercury are lightening agents, found in most bleaching creams and soaps. Mercury is toxic and can cause one to have grayish-blueish discoloration on their body when exposed. (When I typed in “negative effects of bleaching skin” on Google some of the pictures I saw were horrid and disturbing) Long term use of products containing Hydroquinone or Mercury can cause skin cancer, liver damage, discoloration of the skin and other serious conditions.
Instead of using harsh chemicals to lighten your skin, try these Natural Lightening methods, it can give you a nice HEALTHY glow and naturally brighten/lighten your skin.

  1. Try Lemon and Honey Mask, cut a lemon in half, squeeze the juice, and add a teaspoon of honey. Apply on face for 20 minutes and rinse off with cold water (can be also applied on the lips as well to lighten them)
  2. Apple cider vinegar is a natural toner with frequent use can help clear acne and fade dark spots caused by acne scars. Use a cotton ball, dab a little of the ACV on the cotton ball and apply to face or area affected, can be done Morning and Night.
These natural remedies aren't as strong as bleaching cosmetics, but they don’t have negative effects on your body, these items are inexpensive and are easy to get.

Remember: God doesn't make mistake. If you like someone that likes lighter skin people; it’s their loss, not yours, if you watch music videos and see only light skin people, Don’t mind them! And if your friends are bleaching or fair, shine you are unique!Embrace your skin, don’t change it. Love the complexion you were born with. Really sit there and ask yourself “Why do I bleach?” Once you have your answer then ask yourself “Is my answer/bleaching worth me hurting my body?” I will leave it at that, I hope my blog was helpful and informative, if you have any questions or comments please leave in the comment box.
 Find me on Twitter @missalldaabove or Instagram @sixfootamazon 


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