What's wrong with Instagram?

Instagram is an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. (Thanks Wikipedia)
So what's wrong it with it? Nothing!! but something is wrong with us.
What's hurting us as individual is the fact we feel we need attention. We need to be the superstar! Posting pictures to our peers to feel socially accepted. The more likes the more better you are, the more followers the more people will want to follow you. The fact that when we see someone unfollow us, it's seen as if they don't find "us" worth liking, and can be taken personally. The fact that if you have less followers than followings than you are seen as wack or people don't find your page worth liking or following. That's what's wrong with us!
I know for most growing up as teens we wanted to be socially accepted by society. In high school some changed their whole look to fit in while others changed completely. As toddlers we weren't looking at other toddlers like he or she is cool, I'm must be there friend. What attracted them to us was the traits and characteristics we liked in that person, as we grew older we become more aware of the social difference, popular vs unpopular. The idea if you were popular you were cool and were looked up to everybody as someone they wanted to be friends with (real and fake) if you were unpopular you were ostracized, made fun of, or sometimes alone. Even with one good friend by your side, society still saw you as /unsocial able/. In adulthood the need of being socially accepted gets a little less on one hand, you still involuntarily are following the norm but at this stage you are beginning to find yourself. To know who you truly are and what makes you (you). At that point you in your life you were socially unchained, and then Instagram came along.
This new social app telling us take pictures, it will help you fit in or know where you stand among your peers, if you will be admired or neglected.
There are some that this blog may not apply to. There are those that post pictures not caring whether one person likes it or not. They post a picture because they believe it's a picture worth taking and posting, it's a picture they post for their own enjoyment no one else. (God bless you guys!)
It's all a competition amongst ourselves. Who is the prettiest, best dressed, nicest car, funniest memes, sneaker collection, best body, name it's all a competition.
We are showcasing our lives to the public for likes and comments.
We are showcasing our lives to the public for likes and comments.
I know I'm taking a very harsh way about this but reading this blog can you disagree? I'm not saying Instagram is bad or that I'm against it. I love Instagram, I too am guilty of everything I mentioned, it shouldn't matter what everyone else might like, or if the person has few followers. We should do what we want!! Before we all go vain!!!
P.S all those that buy followers to make your Instagram look like it's popping, You ain't low, it's so obvious! How do you have a thousand people following you but the most likes you will get is 20? It doesn't add up so STOP!
Love you guys and thanks for reading. Don't forget this is just my opinion, everyone is subjected to their own. If you agree or disagree leave it in the comment box underneath.
Follow me on Instagram: @Sixfootamazon I promise to follow back (lol)
Follow me on Instagram: @Sixfootamazon I promise to follow back (lol)
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