What's in an Ass?
Thank God I'm no longer in that situation, but I did lose something that I couldn't seem to get back, my booty, my ass, my buttocks.. you get it. I knew losing 20+ pounds so drastically would affect my body but damn why did it have to take my lady lumps!! And I wasn't the only one that noticed it either: my friends, my family, even the mailman noticed my booty was gone.
I realized I was slimmer so I considered myself more modelesque: features of a fashion model. So I accepted my new body type as the beginning of a new chapter for me, but what I didn't know was this chapter came with some bumps.
"Oh my gosh, Where's your butt?", "Damn Ifunanya, you are mad skinny?", "Flat ass! Where's your booty?", "Your booty is gone" - Statements made to me.
I didn't understand why everyone else was stuck on "stupid" when it came to my behind. Going to clubs and wearing my little "sexy" black dress suddenly became just a black dress, bending down to pick something or even walking, became reminders of the lack of booty or the big booty I once had. Obviously, I was starting to get annoyed, I didn't understand why people were making such a big emphasis on my butt. I was still me, just slimmer and with less butt. Was my butt the reason for my popularity, or did it define my existence on this planet? Was it the reason why guys liked me? Was it the reason why I had friends, and now that it was gone, had I fallen off the radar? I was self-conscious and confused, I began over-eating, eating 5-7 times a day, force-feeding just to add some kind of weight, checking the scales, buying protein shakes from those vitamin and supplement stores that helped with gaining weight, just trying to do anything for the little whispers to stop.
Coming from a person that once had a booty, to someone with not as much. What's in an ass? In my opinion, absolutely nothing but a little more fat. Please don't let society's idea of what is sexy or beautiful shape who you are or what your body should look like!
You are beautiful, and perfect just the way you are.
"Don't let the booty define you, you define the booty." - Ifunanya
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